Sleep apnea is a serious and potentially fatal condition, shared by tens of millions across the country. The most common form, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), can be exhibited in varying degrees of severity, causing sufferers to stop breathing sometimes hundreds of times a night, ranging from just a few seconds to more than a minute in length. If you feel unrested, even after what you believed to be a full night’s sleep, it’s a good idea to take a proactive approach to protecting your health by getting an evaluation for
Milford sleep apnea and treatment as needed.
Milford Sleep Apnea
When it comes to getting a full night’s rest, the way that you breathe during your sleeping hours is of the utmost importance. OSA occurs when the soft tissue in the throat and mouth relax during sleep, to the point where they fall back and restrict the airway. Typical bedtime symptoms include loud or frequent snoring, episodes of breathing cessation or gasping for breath, and abrupt awakenings. What’s more, repeated breathing cessation can result in micro-sleep, breaking up your nights’ rest for such short periods of time that you don’t remember waking. It’s no wonder then that sleep apnea sufferers can experience morning headaches, difficulty concentrating, and excessive fatigue throughout the day. If you think that you or someone in your household may have OSA, it’s best to get evaluated for
Milford sleep apnea. If it’s been a while since you’ve gotten a good night’s rest, don’t sleep on it! In its mild to moderate forms, OSA can often be effectively treated with a dental appliance. Worn like a mouth guard, your dentist can fabricate an appliance that is custom designed to comfortably hug the ridges and rises of your smile while you sleep. Dental appliances for the treatment of sleep apnea hold the jaw in a forward position, keeping the tongue and soft tissues in the back of the throat from blocking your airway overnight.
Ask the professionals at the office of Gregory J. Schmitt DMD, your
Milford sleep apnea dentist, about what sleep apnea treatment could do for you. You may just get the best night’s rest you’ve had in a long time!
2068 Bridgeport Ave
Milford, CT 06460
(203) 433-3609